Joel Biddle

Joel Biddle was the most passionate, knowledgeable reef educator Reef Relief ever had and he served as the Educational Coordinator for about 10 years.  His early childhood experiences in Bermuda taught him all about coral reefs.   Joel created the Discover Coral Reefs School Program, turning our short presentations into a full scale program that incorporated multi-media,  field trips, educational videos, printed materials, activity sessions, role playing, and of course, lots of  learning from Joel about the magical coral reefs for every 4th grade student in the Florida Keys and many special groups each year.  His Marine Debris Timeline continues to serve a vital role in the increased awareness and elimination of marine debris.   The Dive Back in Time video he produced along with Craig Quirolo is an outstanding learning experience and is available on our youtube site. (Go to home page here and click on videos).    Joel will always be among our finest friends.    Check out his latest site:


* Joel Biddle with interns Dolly Householder, Simon Dankel, Sarah Davidson and Michael Blades seated.

* Joel teaching 4th grade students at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park. His role playing was phemonemal.

*  Joel with Michael Blades at a booth–I think it was the DEMA dive show.

2 thoughts on “Joel Biddle”

  1. I am delighted to be included on your site. It’s a wonderful resource for all who would like to know more about our underwater cathedrals, the world’s living coral reefs. Keep up the good work… and congratulations!

    My love and affection to you both, always,

  2. Hi Joel:

    Reef Relief recently sent some copies of the flier you designed, “Don’t Teach Your Trash To Swim.” We would really like to get a larger (poster size)version. Do you have any plans to produce this in a larger version? If so, we would be happy to purchase a number of them. If not, then would it be okay with you for us to create a larger version (with our own photos, graphics, etc…)

    I am going on vacation today, but you could respond to my co-worker Dennis Slota (

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Kristine Lawler

    Mendocino County Water Agency
    Ukiah, California

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