Food & Water Watch: The Facts Are In on Fracking’s Social Impacts: Read Our Report, Then Tell Your Governor: Fracking Harms Local Communities!

Tell your Governor to listen to the data on fracking:

Fracking Harms Our Beloved Communities

Faces of fracking in Pennsylvania

Check out our new report, then share it with your Governor!

Dear Friend,

It all happened in less than 10 years.

In my home state of Pennsylvania, that’s how long it took for thousands of natural gas wells to be drilled, for our land, air and water quality to be degraded, and for communities across the state to be torn apart by fracking. But the impacts of fracking don’t stop there. That’s why our research team at Food & Water Watch has worked for almost a year to pull together a comprehensive, first-of-its-kind report on the social costs of fracking in PA communities.

Our new report is the first investigation on the social impacts of fracking, and it’s crucial that our political leaders see this shocking data. Will you email the report to your Governor?

What we uncovered in this study was hard to believe, but we didn’t make up these numbers — all of our research was based on the state of Pennsylvania’s own data. Here are some surprising examples of what we found:

Sexually transmitted infection rose by 32.4% in rural Pennsylvania counties where fracking began (that’s 62% more than the increase in rural unfracked counties).
Social disorder crimes — especially substance abuse and alcohol-related crimes — increased by 17% in counties with the highest density of fracking (compared to only 13% in unfracked rural counties).
Heavy-truck crashes increased by 7.2% in counties with high fracking activity (whereas they fell in unfracked counties).

Across the country, folks have been coming to community meetings and town halls for years to voice concerns about how natural gas drilling has affected their communities. Now, we finally have the data to back up their concerns. Show your support for a ban on fracking and share this critical report with your Governor!

Thanks for taking action,

Emily Wurth
Water Team Director
Food & Water Watch

P.S. There’s lots you can do in your own community to ban fracking! On October 19, plug into the Global Frackdown to be part of an international day of action against fracking — sign up for an event near you!

Food & Water Watch is a consumer advocacy nonprofit that challenges the corporate control of our food and water. We empower people to take action and transform the public consciousness about what we eat and drink.

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